Finally we have got on our way
The graffiti says it all about how we are feeling.
Highlights so far include:
Crazy drivers in clapped out Ford Cortinas or pick up trucks. Some held together with parcel tape. I dont think they have an MOT system here...
SUNSHINE!!!! ( that´s a given). Too hot for an el Gingibre
Palermo (the barrio we´re in) is a beautiful eclectic mix of architectural style - crumbling relics and modernist. Loads of cool bars and shops, very European with a New Yorkish twist.
The streets are paved with dog poo or are falling to pieces- no money to fix them anymore. The Latin Americanization of BA is in full flow, esp when you see the carteños rifling through the rubbish looking for stuff they can sell to for recycling.
Empanadas ( Cornish pasties latino style)- super cheap and super tasty.
Quilmes- nothing to say but good cheap beer
3.50 pesos, that is about 50p, for 1250mls of decent enough red wine in th supermarcado
Friendly porteños. It´s hard not to be shocked by people actually being helpful and nice. They would last 5 minutes in London.
Willem Defoe watching an amazing street Tango show in San Telmo yesterday evening.

And of course, mountains of beef washed down with Malbec.
(Note how most of our highlights revolve around food and drink.....hhmmmm.......)
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