2 days turned into a week after meeting a wicked bunch of people and drinking way too much to actually do anything. There is the excuse that it was stupidly hot too, and it´d be rude not to have a BBQ or two

After our drinking chums had left and we stopped discussing how truly terrible the ham and cheese sarnies are here ( it is a re-occurring theme, literally all you can get if you want a snack is a sarnie, an empanada, a pizza topping, or pasta filling based on ham and cheeeeeeese) we actually went out and did something more constructive with our time.
1st up Ed and Julian and Ricky and Miguel (brazilians from the hostel) gave some argentinian teenagers with amazing fashion mullets a lesson in football.

The 4 hr trip up to 3700m was pretty arduous given that the road was unpaved, and we´d hired a Suzuki Fun, not a 4x4 (I don't think that car will ever be quite the same after the punishment we gave it). Getting to the lake was well worth the effort as the scenery on the way was amazing (hard to do justice with words or pictures) and the lake was truly beautiful. Swimming in it wasn't the brightest as it was colder than a brass monkeys...
Have a look at Stephanie and Clements blog. It pisses all over ours

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