For some reason Lima has a bad reputation with travellers. We have had loads of people say that didnt rate it. If any of you are reading this, you are wrong. Its a great city.
We stayed in a nice little hostel, in the plush suburb of Miraflores, called Nomade Backpackers which wa run by some really great staff. The only downside was that it got infested with hoards of untidy, dirty, ignorant, noisy, immature Israeli backpackers. It also didnt help that Nicky had another little bout of backpacker diarrhoea, and had to deal with it when not feelin 100%. She treated herself with a manicure and pedicure when she was better.
We were lucky enough to meet up with Nico who we had met in Huacachina. He works 3 weeks in the jungle as Mechanical Engineer then has 2 weeks off. Hats off to him. Him and his family and mates showed us around, and gave us plenty of laughs along the way. Nico, you are a legend
Nic, Rodrigo, Patty, me and Nico
Showing the Peruvians how to Salsa, style
The Bloomsbury bowl didnt quite live up to its London namesake
Playin camp pool is massive in Lima, but not as popular as hanging out with Diego.
Its a really vibrant and varied city. We didnt do anything very cultured, just wandered about, went out on bikes and ate and drank plenty. I will miss Pisco Sours
Parque de Amor
The debating skills were oviously lacking, given the fella havin a kip.
Reminds me of a few meetings Ive been in
A rare treat, a decent cup of coffee, even if it did mean going into Starbucks.
Grenadilla, a yellow cricket ball fruit fruit full of tasty citric frog spawn
Nic was particularly happy to get fresh milk for the first time on our trip, and be able to have a proper cuppa and a bowl of cornflakes. The imported chedder cheese (latin american cheese is relentlessly rubbish) was a real treat too. Thank you to Vivanda, the best supermarket in S America, except that amazing best in world effort in Leblon, Rio.
We saw an amazing exhibition of aerial photos, called terra del cielo (the earth from the sky). They were incredible. There were some really nice ones of S America, like Perito Merino Glaciar we walked on Christmas day etc.
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