Friday, 30 May 2008

Why I Hate Trekking by Nicola Jayne Carroll Aged 30

I hate trekking and will be honest about this since no one else is. The reasons are as follows,

- It is hard work, you sweat and feel dizzy and knackered. And it never gets any easier.

- People say it is easy but they lie all the time to make themselves look hardcore. For example the idiot who said Machu Piccu was easy and you could walk it in flip flops, LIAR!!!!!!!

- You have to wear ridiculous boots and horrid clothes ( mine includes an Axel Rose style bandana to keep the sun off me) I should just buy a hat.

- Isrealis love it. Not saying anything other than that.

- You have to stay in very cold places with no electricity or water so no shower after a hard days walk

- It is what you are SUPPOSED to do here in South America, why not just relax? I didn´t take a year off work to hike up hills

- People look at you like you are crazy if you say you don´t like it, even though they probably agree

- You can injure yourself especially on gravelly bits, and you spend the whole time looking down so as not to fall over and can´t appreciate what is around you?!

Below is just one of my examples of ridiculous headwear

Ed trying to stop me from ending it all

Another example of ridiculous headwear, at 5am in the cold. That´s why I look so happy!

But realistically I will probably do it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi guys
i TOTALLY agree with this post and i join your "i hate trekking" club whenever you want !!!!!!!!
Hope everything is fine with you
Steph and clement