Friday, 18 July 2008

Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur, or KL as they are keen on calling it, is like Singapore's evil twin. Very similar in that its a busy succesful modern asian metropolis with a rich history and diverse culture, but crazy and dirty, more bladerunner than disneyworld.
We got a bit more cultured here than in Singapore where we just celebrated capitalism. There is some amazing architecture here, in particular the Petronas Towers that are fairly mundane by day but become very glamourous by night, some amazing old colonial architecture, modern skyscrapers (good and bad) and some incredible mosques.

Once again alot of our time has been spent eating incredible food, at bargain prices.
We took all these photos in Chinatown, there's a message in there somewhere....
and how funny is this?

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