Wednesday, 30 July 2008

More tea vicar? Boh Boh Boh !!!

A long sweaty bus journey got us to the relative cool of the Cameron Highlands. After spending days and days on buses we had the first crash of our trip, with a car behind shunting the bus. It wasn't all bad though as it meant that i could actually get out and have a piss. They must have cast iron bladders out here because 4 hrs without a stop is pretty standard.

The area was initially established as a tea growing region, and then became a hill retreat for the old colonialists who needed a break from the heat and humidity of the rest of the country. We certainly welcomed a break from it too, but weren't expecting so much rain or to be staying in a bunker straight out of the war.
Its a beautiful little place, rolling hills covered in a green blanket of tea bushes. Great Indian restaurants too. Had a lot of curry and spent time drinking masala tea and playing chess.
We spent a day trekking to and from the first and biggest plantation in the area, called Boh. The tea and scones were overpriced but tasty

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