Then Ed got cocky and sat on the head himself. You sit with your legs hooked behind their ears right on their necks, it is actually quite comfy if a little strange at first
Step 2, get pushed by the mahoots because you can't do it yourself....
Step 3, look really pleased with yourself.....
So then the fun started, look mum no hands!
Then you have to get down. The looks on our faces say it all. Very weird feeling when an elephant decides to sit down with you on it's back.
We left the elephants overnight in the jungle to feed. They get chained up or else they would being poached again for logging, but it is a very long chain so they are free to roam pretty much. Good job as they eat about 250 kilos of vegetation at night each.
Then it was off to a waterfall for the afternoon so the Laos people could laugh at us. They all swim in their clothes so they seem to think it is very funny when we take ours off. Ed did his usual diving in act. I couldn't even swim against the current until some porky pale northerner pulled me across the river and gave me a leg up to jump off with him. I didn't get a lot of choice in the matter
We spent the night in a swish lodge, getting much moire accustomed to flashpacking it these days! I have had enough of pretending to like roughing it.
The next day was even better, in fact one of the best days of our trip so far. We trekked ( that bit wasn't fun as I hate it, as I am sure you all have gathered by now) to get the elephants and then rode them back to camp. There we washed then in the river. A little hairy getting down the muddy slopes but we held on.