It made a refreshing change to be somewhere where, as a rule, the people were friendly and respectful and it was also nice being somewhere with such great cheap food and so many shops. The credit crunch means nothing in a city devoted to consumerism. We dived in with both feet and ended up buying far too many souvenirs. Our FedEx parcel weighed 18kg. Our only defense is that is the sum total of all our purchases in SE Asia.
The Bladerunner-like streets
Unimpressed with the famous Khao San Rd
Balls of steel form little acrobat kid
The much revered King.
We even had to stand for a minutes silence before we watched a film. They play the national anthem in the street at 6pm, and everyone stops still. Its positively OrwellianNic has become obsessed with monks on any form of transport, so she was excited about this sign. Sadly there was no sign of astronaut monks but she did indeed have to make way for an orange robed novice monk shortly after this shot.
The McWai
Opium den digs.
Suk 11, Soi 11 Sukhamvit Road featured some inspired interior design and staff that had flunked out of hospitality college. 'Nice place shame about the staff' was my graffiti of choice for their grafitti clad TV room. I didnt get why people were so full of praise for the place, when the people that worked there were so ignorant. All the funky interiors and decent services were eclipsed by the poor service that meant the 15quid a night was poor value.
Shrink wrapped religion
Sadly my internet is pants here, and wont let me download any of the photos of the reclining buddha that we tookt, or of the crazy shopping malls so they will have to wait till later. Keep 'em peeled
We're back in Bangkok as well, staying at Suk 11 and I have to say, there's a really weird vibe at this place. It's not just the staff that are surly, but it seems to have a bit of an uppity crowd as well - really weird! Disappointing, considering it's one of the most expensive places we've stayed in this year!
Despite the gaudiness, I think we'll be heading back to Khao Sanh next time we pass through!
Its a weird atmosphere there ,aye. We dreaded interacting with them at breakfat. Nice place, but full of odd people.
I wrote on the little notes that people leave at the desk "Urgently needed - hospitality training', and 'nice place, shame about the staff'. There was a response a day or 2 later 'urgently needed - manners and respect' and 'nice place, shame about some of the guests' presumedley from one of the weird long term residents directed a us, rather than backing up our thoughts on the crap staff an weird people
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