We didn't see a single shop selling them, but did do a massive shopping session in the lively backstreets of the 'Blue City'. I hate bartering. Lots of conflict and deceit to end up both thinking you could/should have got a better deal. What is the point?

The bartering took its toll on Nicky

The camera was obviously as hazy as we were after sorting a few too many samples of this friendly chap's snuff.

There was a crowd of a dozen people watching Nicky get her flip flop fixed
Jodhpur really gave us a taste of the majesty of the Maharajah's and gave a good indication of how we should be treating our royals (ie pulling the plug on payments and tax breaks and letting them get on with it themselves) and how the royals should be conducting themselves (with some degree of dignity, sense of duty and social responsibility).

The Mehrangarh Fort really was incredible. Its an incredible piece of construction, looming over the city below. You could really appreciate that it was completely impenetrable, and then once inside, the beauty and grandeur of the palace inside really was something special to see. The Maharajas really led the life of Riley. For once the inflated entrance fee was justified because the palace was so well presented. We even enjoyed the audio tour, despite feeling like gimps the whole time. It did have the added bonus of repelling the constant questioning by locals of, "hello, how are you?" and "hello, what is your country?". To which any answer other than 'fine', or 'England' is met with marked confusion and nervous giggles.

The royal carriage, held aloft by a dozen men
Just being up there for the view of the city from the ramparts was worth the entrance fee.

The houses were originally painted blue with lime wash which indicated that a Brahmin (priest) lived there, and had the added bonus of killing off bugs. It caught on and now everybody is at it, hence Jodhpur being called the Blue City.
Back at ground level we mostly ate omelets from Vicky, the better of the two warring egg men that stand opposite one another by the Sardar Market gates. No Walruses in sight. We also had the world's creamiest saffron lassi.

Whilst exploring the city we encountered a group of lads we have christened the Bollywood boys who pestered us until we agreed to take photos of them. Everybody here either wants a photo of us (god knows what they do with them) or us to take a photo of them. The poses that this group of lads pulled out, without prompting, would do a catalogue model proud.

The Indian male is a funny creature. I never knew how camp they were. The lack of female interaction and having the leading men of the Bollywood films as their role models have created quite an interesting breed. The average man has a moustache, wears a polyester shirt and impossibly high waisted slacks, some gold jewellery and thinks it completely normal to letch at your girlfriend whilst he cuddles or holds hands with his mate. Its a bizarre spectacle.
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